Posted by: beerdude | September 13, 2010

Weekend News

These gummy bears taste funny. Police in British Columbia seized a package of gummy bears laced with LSD. It could be the beginning of a new trend for drug smugglers attempting to peddle their goods. So bewarned the next time somebody offers you a gummy bear at the next party.

With the start of a fresh school year comes frat parties. The most recent event at a UBC frat house involved violence. The crowd swelled to over 500 and eventually police had to be called in to break some fights. During the event police officers were swarmed and jostled trying to keep the peace. University RCMP are concerned over the level of violence and worried that the level may escalate at future parties.

Expect more Tamil refugees suggested by Sri Lankan diplomats. Canada’s recent handling of the influx of Tamil refugees is inviting human smugglers to continue their criminal activity. The 30 year civil war in Sri Lanka has the Tamil population looking for greener pastures, and Canada is at the top of the list. I think I can already hear my taxes going up.

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